Saturday, April 27, 2013

Sick of School

Im beginning to really get tired of school. I just can't take the students and teachers. Also Im really depressed and dillusioned with the school system. I don't think I think I can literally mentally take it anymore. The teachers are extremley egocentic and the students are just a bunch of brats. And frankly, I feel as if Im turning into both.

My life is divided between being at school and trying to prepare for the collaspe. I have lots of things to think about ( buying gold and silver, friends, the goals I listed, learning survival skills, finding a place, where to live etc.) and school is just a barrier as I want to learn these things. Yes, I only have this semester of Grade 11 and Grade 12 but, I think an economic collaspe is due by 2014, and I am a 2014 graduate. My parents are also asleep, so I can't reason with them.

So, I was thinking of online schooling. I asked my Dad what he thought about it and he thought it was stupid and high school students who do that are lazy. While he has a point (after all, alot of online degrees are fake) but he has the close-minded view that "people have to show to up to school/work in order for it to be real work" which isn't ture in the long run, as most work in 10 -20 years we will be commuting at home.

So got any advice?

Saturday, April 13, 2013

My Goals to Become a Better Person

I have taken a five day break from blogging because I just can't seem to find a topic to talk about. Im also becoming quite pessimistic about this blog because no one commented on my last post. But I'll talk about that topic for my next blog post.

Otherwise, here are goals I will accomplish in the year 2013:
- Get better at math
- Learn some economics
- Finish reading books about surviving SHTF
- Get a job
- Finish high school (obvious one duh)
- Learn forgien languages
- Get more fit and muscular ( harder one for me, I'll explian some later time)
- Learn computer programming ( or at least some basic skills)
- Learn some martial arts

Oh yeah, forgive me if my spelling is shit. By the way( probably no one is going to read this but, do anybody of you give a crap if I make a typo? Comment below.)

Monday, April 8, 2013


This marks my first blog post as of April, 8th,2013. This blog will be about how Im improving, and my journey to become a better person. By "better" I mean in all categories: physical, intellectual, morally, socailly.

This blog will also be how about how Cultural Marxism is ruining Western Civilization and my commentary on it. Having been a lurker of the "Manosphere/Alt-Right" since September 2012, I decided I've wanted to contribute to the number of blogs in this circle of blogs. Of course Im just one person , I thought it would be better than reading blog articles than not activley contribute in it.

Im just a young lad right now( in high school) due to graduate in 2014. I think in order to improve society,(and perserve your culture) you got to improve yourself before worrying about say, "the white race extinction". As Roosh states, you can choose happiness two ways: By changing yourself or society. But, obviously trying to change society leaves nothing but misery.( See: Aaron Clarey's Cusader vids)

Instead you should focus on yourself and become a person of awesomneness. And that journey is what Im taking.